Sambath Meas was born in Pailin, Cambodia at a time of civil war. Having survived the effects of the Vietnam War, the Khmer Civil War, and the Maoist-inspired Khmer Rouge regime, her parents decided not to stick around for another phase of mass killings. Her family, like thousands of other Khmer, fled to the Cambodian-Thai border in 1979. After being displaced in various refugee camps for two years, they received three sponsorships to first world countries. Chicago became their new home in 1981. Meas graduated from Loyola University of Chicago with a B.A. in political science and has taken writing classes at Northwestern University. She works in the legal industry for 20 years now. In her spare time, she encourages and helps novice writers to get started with their stories. Her current projects include self-help, science fiction, graphic novel, and young adult fantasy books. She writes fiction, focusing on murder mystery, fantasy, and science fiction; and nonfiction, focusing on memoir, biography, and self-improvement.